Investment Management
Sage Wealth Planning’s Core & Satellite Investment Philosophy
Our investment management strategy is based on a core and satellite approach. We believe portfolios should be built with intention and managed for efficiency and risk. We build broadly diversified core portfolios, with low cost and low turnover, comprised of Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Index Funds. This approach helps dampen volatility and manage risk, which helps you stay invested through market cycles. Satellite positions or models can help improve portfolio income tax efficiencies or further diversify into private markets with lower correlations.
Our Unique Approach
We believe that the time horizon of the investor often has little to do with age, and much more to do with income needs.
We are willing to work existing positions into our overall allocations.
We believe in tailoring an investment management strategy that incorporates your entire financial picture, not just the investments held at Sage Wealth Planning.
How we add value
- Asset Allocation: Markets are cyclical. It is important to be diversified so you can remain invested through the cycles. We use risk tolerance, timeframe, and needs for income from the portfolio to determine an asset allocation that guides the portfolio design.
- Asset Location: Once diversification is achieved, location of investments is the next highest priority. This is done to achieve greater tax efficiency. Some examples are holding fixed income not used for income in pre-tax accounts, aggressive investments in Roth accounts, and stocks and municipal bonds in brokerage accounts where tax strategies can be used.
- Access to Private Investments: For a rs, private market investments can provide greater diversification for those with less needs for liquidity. Private credit, private equity, and private real estate can be appropriate for retirement and non-retirement portfolios.
- Collaborative Partner: Time in the market is more important than timing the market, but remaining invested in weak markets can be difficult. Remaining focused on the long term, ensuring our clients have enough cash on hand, and regular communication about performance are key to achieving long term outcomes. Our priority is to create an investment strategy that is feasible to implement, and provides our clients with the confidence they are on track.
- Rebalancing: Over time, asset values fluctuate. We regularly review and rebalance portfolios to maintain the intended allocation.
Investment Management Fees
We charge one flat fee for investment management and financial planning that correlates to the type of work we are doing. Fees range based on the services that are being offered, and the complexity of the situation. We currently offer private investments in our Sage Pinnacle and Pinnacle plus services.
$3,000 This model focuses on 3 major areas: After an initial onboarding, we meet twice per year to keep you on track. You can expect updates toward your progress, including a one-page financial plan, cash flow plan, and investment plan. Minimum
$10,000 This customized model focuses on a deeper and more strategic approach to the following: After an initial onboarding, we meet three times per year to address your most important and critical needs. You will receive a one-page financial plan, cash flow plan, strategic tax analysis, and tax-efficient investment strategy, as well as timely updates on the progress toward the execution of your goals. Minimum
$5,000 This customized model for business owners encompasses all offerings within the Pinnacle Model, but also includes: After an initial onboarding, we meet a minimum of three times per year to address both your personal and business planning needs. In addition to the one-page financial plan, cash flow plan, strategic tax analysis, and customized investment strategy, we will provide a business valuation and meet with your strategic advisors to ensure alignment.Core*
One-Time Plan

Contact us
Saving for retirement can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Your Sage Wealth Planning advisor will work with you to understand the best ways to save and to prepare for retirement and help put together a step-by-step plan to reach your goal (and by the way, we don’t believe in sacrificing fun along the way)